Thursday, September 24, 2009


TGIT- thank god its thursday!! I love having three day weekends there's less of a rush to get all of those little things done. It's been a pretty calm week over here ...kind of winding down from my trip to Florence but I did book a couple of trips this week. In October I am now going to Galway for a long weekend and GREECE! for a week..i'll be flying into Athens spending a day there- flying to Crete spending 5 days there flying back to Athens spending another day there and then flying back to London for Halloween. I found an all inclusive resort in Crete that is close to the airport and a big city and it's completely affordable me, Lauren, and our flatmate Emily are staying in a bungalo!

Interesting cultural divide I noticed this week: on Monday night I saw a play called Punk Rock by Simon Stephens with my theatre class. The preview read that the play dealt with violence within a school and sure enough the play ended with a school shooting. In our class discussion a few days later, we found that all of the American audience saw the ending coming some from the moment they read the preview. However, the British audience were entirely shocked and never thought it would happen. After Columbine and Virginia Tech, American students have come to associate school violence and misfit teenagers with guns and shootings. British students have not gone through these experiences and the overly cautious security that our schools went through after Columbine. Guns are also a lot harder to obtain in England, so the chances of a school shooting occuring are a lot slimmer.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to a weekend in London- Friday I think I'm going to a Blues Bar and Saturday I think I'm going to a 'posh' club! I'll be sure to update again at the end of the weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm. This college life is certainly a bitch. But don't worry. Had dinner with your Mom this week and she is managing to scrape by while you are on your whirlwind tour. Please box up and send us a heart pizza. Incredible.
